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Archiver 3 for Mac 3.0.6 破解版下载 压缩解压工具软件

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今天小编为大家带来的是 macOS 平台上一款非常优秀的压缩解压工具——Archiver 3 Mac 破解版,这款压缩解压工具软件具有压分卷压缩、缩包加密、压缩包内图片和音乐优化、压缩包内容预览等功能,有需要的朋友千万不要错过,快来看看吧!

Archiver 3 for Mac 3.0.6 破解版下载 压缩解压缩软件

软件大小:19.4 M
系统要求:macOS 10.12 或更高版本


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1、软件下载完成后, 打开软件包如上图,拖动软件【Archiver】到应用程序安装。





Archiver makes reducing file size, extracting archives and splitting files fun and easy!


  • Archives as Easy as Pie - Archiver made working with archives easy. But we knew there was room for improvement, so we stepped up our efforts a gear to make working with archives even easier for you. Archiver 2 brings you a fresh interface, a blazing fast workflow and a quick preview.
  • Take a Quick Look - Say goodbye to extracting all files in an archive just to see what's inside! With Archiver 2 you can take a sneak peak and preview archives. And it gets better: Archiver lets you extract only the files you really need. It's all just a drag and a drop away.
  • Drag and Drop Delight - Never worry about archive formats again -- Archiver's drag-and-drop capability is back and smarter than ever! Just drag your files into the app and watch Archiver take care of the rest.
  • Shrink ‘Em Images and Music Files - Have you ever tried to send an image only to be told that the file is too large? Do your file uploads seem to take forever? Enter Archiver 2's own compression format, with which you can truly shrink image and audio files.
  • MultiTask - Archiver 2 is geared to take full advantage of your Mac, allowing you to do a whole lot more at the same time. And it's remarkably easy to do! By simply dragging in more archives, Archiver will extract them for you side-by-side all at once.
  • It's a Secret to Everybody - Keep your data private, keep it secure! With Archiver 2 you can protect your sensitive files by packing them in encrypted, password-protected archives by entering the password you wish to use.
  • Split and Combine - Got a file too large for a disk or email? Archiver has always been great at splitting and combining files. With Archiver 2, you can now also create split archives. All you need to do is specify the size of each chunk, and you're good to go!

Supported File Formats

  • Zip
  • RAR (rar, r00, r01, r02, …) [read only]
  • 7zip (7z, 7z.001, 7z.002, …)
  • Tar
  • Tar Gzip (tar.gz, tgz)
  • Tar Bzip2 (tar.bz2, tbz)
  • Tar Z (tar.Z)
  • CPIO (cpio)
  • ARJ [read only]
  • CAB [read only]
  • LhA (lha, lzh) [read only]
  • StuffIt (sit) [read only]
  • StuffIt Expander Archive (sea) [read only]
  • BinHex (hqx) [read only]
  • MacBinary (bin, macbin) [read only]
  • Linux RPM (rpm) [read only]
  • PAX [read only]
  • Amiga disk file (adf) [read only]
  • Compressed Amiga disk file (adz, ADZ) [read only]
  • Amiga DMS disk archive (dms, DMS) [read only]
  • Amiga LhF (f, F) [read only]
  • Amiga LZX (lzx) [read only]
  • Amiga DCS disk archive (dcs) [read only]
  • Amiga PackDev (pkd) [read only]
  • Amiga xMash disk archive (xms) [read only]
  • Amiga Zoom disk archive (zom) [read only]
  • HA archive [read only]


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